Making reports – РМЭФ

Making reports


Reports that haven’t been previously presented in Russia will be preferred. Moreover, reports are to be innovative, specific, and contain practical info. No advertising reports will be allowed. To be approved, the report shall go through several stages: Stage 1 – info about the intended report and general info about the speaker are submitted; Stage 2— information is considered by moderators and coorganizers; Stage 3 — participation documents are issued.

1. Submitting info about the report

Information on the report should include the following data in Russian and/or English:

  • the speaker’s full name, the company name, the speaker’s position, email of the speaker or the contact party, phone of the speaker and/or the contact party;
  • the name of the report (at first, the draft name can be submitted);
  • brief summary of the report (0.5 page max.);
  • photo;
  • optional: the speaker’s bio (500 symbols max.).

Please use only text in the summary. No tables, diagrams, pictures, or other non-textual objects are allowed. Changing the paragraph or the page settings is prohibited. Please format your text as Times New Roman size 12. Don’t leave empty lines when compiling your abstract. The most important points in the summary can be highlighted in bold or italicized. No underlined text is allowed.

2. Moderators and coorganizers considering the info
The info about the intended report will be sent to moderators and coorganizers of the relevant events, or of the events required by the speaker. The answer about the report being included into the conference program will be sent by email. Please keep in mind that considering conference participation entries is a time- and labor-consuming process. That is why the reports and speeches announced in advance have higher chances of making it into the convention program.
3. Issue of participation documents. SPEAKER pack

After the report has been approved, the Speaker pack is issued, which includes:

  • making a speech or a presentation at the conference selected. Speaking time – up to 15 min.;
  • attendance of all the events on the convention program (but for the ones with limited access);
  • attendance of all the exhibitions held during RIEF 2024;
  • the Forum handouts set;
  • one invitation to the Forum Opening Gala Ceremony.

Presentation requirements:

  • Presentations are accepted in pdf and ppt formats with screen proportions 16 by 9
  • If video files are attached, they shall be in mp4 format
  • Minimal resolutions: 1920*1080
  • The video shall be saved as a separate file

At the Forum venue:

Please come to the venue 15 to 20 minutes before the event. The event coordinator will preliminary inform you about the registration desk number, the conference hall number, and directions to the destination. Hand over the presentation to the operator and inform the event moderator that you have arrived. In case of force majeure please inform us that the speaker isn’t going to attend or that he/she is going to be replaced.


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