RIEF 2024 will be powered by the Government of St. Petersburg as usual – РМЭФ


1 February 2024
RIEF 2024 will be powered by the Government of St. Petersburg as usual
RIEF 2024 will be powered by the Government of St. Petersburg as usual

The Forum is a highly effective venue for the business community and the state authorities to talk to each other.

For many years, the Government of St. Petersburg has been powering and supporting the Russian International Energy Forum. The event helps to articulate the key demands of the business community and enhance the trust to ensure productive collaboration based on mutual interests.

Every year, the Forum brings together the top industrial experts so that they can find the transformation models for the fuel and energy sector.  The decisions and agreements made during RIEF offer a solid basis for further collaboration extension in the energy sector, as well as start of promising win-win projects.

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