RIEF 2024 convention program structure published – РМЭФ


28 February 2024
RIEF 2024 convention program structure published
RIEF 2024 convention program structure published

The structure is based on 7 focus areas.

The convention program of RIEF 2024 will include conferences, round table discussions, strategic sessions, seminars, and presentations, all of them covering the most urgent issues and hot trends of the energy sector, plus its development scenarios.

The experts will talk about the trends in electricity generation both in Russia and its partner countries, consider the issues of sustainable development for the fuel and energy sector, raise the subjects of digital transformation, safe operation of the fuel and energy complex, and the tariff reforms. The participants will specially focus on enhancement of the Russian power engineering equipment, as it is one of the key industries behind the stable growth of economy.

During the conference of the Youth Innovation Centre (Rosseti Lenenergo), emerging specialists will present their technological and social projects to highlight the global challenges encountered by energy companies.

The key event of the Forum will be the plenary session scheduled for April 24, which is to be participated by major companies and key experts of the sector, as well as federal state agencies.

To see the detailed convention program structure of the Forum please follow the link.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that RIEF 2024 organizers reserve the right to make changes to the Forum convention program.

In case you have general questions about the convention program please contact:
Victoria Avakyan

Phone: +7 (812) 240 40 40, add. 2423
Mobile: +7 (921) 889 40 81

E-mail: vv.avakyan@expoforum.ru


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