
Russian International
Energy Forum 2025
March 26-28, 2025
Over 7,000
from 11 countries
110 exhibitors
7 thousand sq.m
of exhibition space
Over 450
of the convention
meetings in the business
matchmaking centre
from 44 media


Deputy Minister of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation, Plenary Session of RIEF 2024
Alexey Eresko
Deputy of the State Duma, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; member of the State Duma Committee on Energy, Plenary Session of RIEF 2024
Boris Gladkikh
CEO, «Rosseti Lenenergo PJSC
Plenary Session of RIEF 2024, RIEF 2022
Igor Kuzmin
Deputy General Director - Head of Thermal Power Division, Power Machines, Plenary Session of RIEF 2024
Ruslan Pakhomov
Head of Energy and Resources at SIBUR Holding, member of Supervisory Board at Association NP Market Council, member of the Government Committee for Electric Energy Development, Plenary Session of RIEF 2024
Vladimir Tupikin
Director, Renewable Energy Development Association, Plenary Session of RIEF 2024, RIEF 2023, RIEF 2022, RIEF 2021
Alexey Zhikharev
CEO, National Energy Security Fund, Plenary Session of RIEF 2024
Konstantin Simonov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor; Expert, NP NTS UES; Deputy Chairman of the Energy Strategy and Development Council for Fuel and Energy Sector, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; Academic Supervisor, Centre of Management Economic Methods for Energy Industry, NP Corporate Training and Scientific Centre for the United Energy System
Plenary Session of RIEF 2023
Georgy Kutovoy
Director for UES Development, Head of Directorate, SO UES JSC
Plenary Session of RIEF 2023
Denis Pileniyeks
Head of the Energy Department of the Survey and Mining Unit, Gazprom Neft PJSC
Plenary Session of RIEF 2023
Pavel Berezny
Deputy Director of the Project Centre for Energy Transition and ESG Principles, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)
Plenary Session of RIEF 2023
Irina Gaida
Chief Editor, Business FM St. Petersburg Radio Station
Plenary Session of RIEF 2023
Maxim Morozov
CEO, Electronmash JSC
Plenary Session of RIEF 2022
Valery Nazarov
CEO, AtomEnergoSbyt JSC
Plenary Session of RIEF 2022
Pyotr Konyushenko
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Council of Power Producers Association
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2021, RIEF 2019, RIEF 2018
Alexandra Panina
CEO, Quadra PJSC (until 2022)
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2021
Semyon Sazonov
CEO, EuroSibEnergo JSC (until 2023)
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2021
Mikhail Khardikov
First Deputy CEO, Director for Economics and Finance, Tatenergo JSC
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2021
Airat Sabirzanov
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2021
Mikhail Andronov
Head of Department of Operational Control in FEC, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2019
Elena Medvedeva
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2019, 2018
Yury Stankevich
Chairman of the Management Board, SO UPS, JSC
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2019
Fyodor Opadchy
First Deputy CEO, Gazprom Energoholding LLC
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2019
Pavel Shatsky
Chief Adviser, Deputy CEO, Chief of the Staff, Rosseti PJSC
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2018
Olga Sergeeva
CEO, Gazprom Energoholding LLC RIEF
Plenary Sessions of RIEF 2018
Denis Fedorov
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy, State Duma of the Russian Federation
Igor Ananskikh
Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Engineering of St. Petersburg (until 2022)
Andrey Bondarchuk
Chairman of the Committee on Tariffs of St. Petersburg
Alexey Malukhin
Adviser to Chairman of the Committee on Tariffs of St. Petersburg
Irina Bugoslavskaya
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region
Renat Valiullin
D. Sc. in Engineering; President, NP NTS UES; Rector, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University)
Nikolay Rogalev
Head of St. Petersburg International Gas Forum
Denis Osadchiy
Director of G.O.R.K.I. Centre, Expert Analyst in energy
Karin Kneissl
President, Russian Association of Electric Energy Employers
Arkady Zamoskovny
Vice President, Executive Director of Russian Gas Society, Union of Oil & Gas Producers of Russia
Nikolay Isakov
Director, Energy Consumers Association
Valery Dzyubenko
Chairperson of the Management Board, Association of Guaranteed Suppliers and Energy Service Companies
Natalia Nevmerzhitskaya
member of the Board, Association NP Market Council, CEO at Energy Certification Centre
Oleg Barkin
Director of Economic Forecasting Centre,Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company)
Dmitry Pigarev
Member of the Presidium of the Scientific and Expert Council under the working group of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on monitoring the implementation of legislation in the field of energy, energy saving and energy efficiency
Rashid Artikov
President, EnergoInnovatsiya Association of Innovative Energy Enterprises
Mikhail Smirnov
Director, Russian Association of Wind Power Industry
Igor Bryzgunov
Head of the Department of Heat Supply Schemes and Concessions PJSC T Plus
Dmitriy Fedorov
CEO, National Agency for Energy Saving and Renewable Energy (NAERE)
Nikolay Safronov
Head of the Energy Markets Regulation Department, VYGON Consulting
Nikolay Posypanko
Ph. D. in Engineering, Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors, St. Petersburg Recycling Association
Ekaterina Ozerova
Electricity Market Director, Gazprom Energoholding LLC
Mikhail Bulygin
Head of Partner Relations and talents, Gazprom Neft PJSC
Anastasia Samuilova
Senior Expert of Smart Electricity Accounting of the Services Sale Department, Rosseti PJSC
Ivan Kudryavtsev
Chairman of the Scientific and Expert Council under the working group of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Leonid Roketsky
President, Association of Energy Enterprises in the North-West Federal District; Coordinator of activities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of representatives of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Federation Council
Vladislav Ozorin
President, National Association of Energy Enterprises
Sergey Serdyukov
Executive Director, Hydropower of Russia Association
Oleg Lushnikov
Deputy CEO for Technical and Regulatory Development, NovaWind JSC
Egor Grinkevich
CEO, Vireo Energy
Alexey Yushchuk
Editor-in-Chief, Power and Industry of Russia Newspaper
Valery Presnyakov
Head of Energy and Municipal Housing Complex Department, Far East and Arctic Development Corporation
Maxim Gubanov
Executive Director, KAZENERGY Association
Lyazzat Akhmurzina
Executive Director, Concessionaires and Long-Term Infrastructure Investors National Association (until 2020)
Svetlana Bik
Chairman of the Union of Software and IT Developers in the Fuel and Energy Complex
Boris Kharas
Director, Energy Saving Centre, St. Petersburg State-Financed Institution
Ivan Tregubov
Deputy Chair of the Development Board, NAERE; Head of the ESG, Ecology and Decarbonization working group of the Energy Complex Companies Guild under the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ekaterina Zholudeva
Chairman of the All-Russian Electric Trade Union Public Organisation
Yury Ofitserov
Head of Corporate Affairs, LafargeHolcim Russia
Vitaly Bogachenko
Co-Chairman of the Committee for Energy, Business Russia All-Russia Public Organisation
Denis Cherepanov
Deputy Chairwoman of OPORA RUSSIA Electric Energy Committee dealing with legal matters, Director of the Centre of Legal Support in Energy
Elena Pronina
CEO, Energy Strategy Institute
Vitaly Bushuyev
Executive Director, Clean Country Association of Waste Management Companies, Operators and Experts
Ruslan Gubaidullin
Deputy Chairman, Internet of Things Association (IOTAS)
Gleb Pyzhov
Head of Training Centre, ABB
Maxim Ryabchitsky
Head of Global and Russian Energy Complex Research Department, ERI RAS
Vyacheslav Kulagin
Rector, St. Petersburg Energy Institute for Advanced Training
Alexander Nazarychev
Executive Director, Association of Regional Operators for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings
Anna Mamonova
Executive Director, International Centre for the Support and Development of Industrial Enterprises
Anton Fenev
D. Sc. in Engineering, Head of Scientific Institution Centre for Intellectual Electric Energy Systems and Distributed Energy, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of Section, NP NTS UES
Pavel Ilyushin
8 May 2024 16:04
On April 24 through 26, ExpoForum hosted the 12th Russian International Energy Forum. This year, the event has been attended by 7,000 people from 11 countries, including China, Turkey, India, Belarus, Azerbai...
25 April 2024 14:22
The Russian energy industry keeps marching on despite all the challenges, and hi-tech projects and products presented at the International Specialised Exhibition POWER & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING are a proof...
25 April 2024 9:38
During the 12th Russian International Energy Forum, progression patterns for the Russian energy sector will be settled. Some of them are increasing reliability of the sector, getting ready for high local dema...
11 April 2024 16:36
The event will take place on April 24 from 11.30 to 13.00 (Moscow time). Participants of the event will talk about the factors that prevent development of the Russian fuel & energy industry and the ch...
25 March 2024 16:00
ExpoForum is working on in compliance with the event schedule. Safety precautions have been enhanced. The Russian International Energy Forum will take place on 24 through 26 of April, 2024, in the ExpoForum ...
19 March 2024 15:54
Specialists can take part in the event free of charge. Registration has been opened for participants of POWER & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Exhibition, which is part of the Russian International Energy Forum....
28 February 2024 11:03
The structure is based on 7 focus areas. The convention program of RIEF 2024 will include conferences, round table discussions, strategic sessions, seminars, and presentations, all of them covering the most ...
8 February 2024 15:26
The event will take place on April 24, 2024. As part of the 12th Russian International Energy Forum, the Business Matchmaking Centre (BMC) will take place to facilitate face-to-face meetings for suppliers an...
1 February 2024 11:05
The Forum is a highly effective venue for the business community and the state authorities to talk to each other. For many years, the Government of St. Petersburg has been powering and supporting the Russian...
25 January 2024 16:46
Deadline for applications is April 15  The Power & Electrical Engineering International Specialised Exhibition will be traditionally held within RIEF. The exhibition is one of the main industry events de...


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